Written by Haley Boyce

Motive. That’s the reason we do anything. Usually, there’s some sort of attached incentive – drinking coffee because it’s six in the morning and you’re not your best self until you’re about halfway through that first cup, going on a run for a healthier heart, enrolling in a creative writing program to network and get that first chapter of your novel going. These are things you do because you were compelled in some way. You were prompted to do it.
A prompt in writing is what motivates or compels you to write. It also tells you what to write about. It can come from a writing instructor, a friend in a writing group, or it could be ready-made prompt you found online or even wrote yourself. It doesn’t matter where it comes from, what matters is that you understand it and respond to it appropriately.
What is a Writing Prompt?
Writing prompts are instructions for what to write about.
Sometimes they include how long your writing should be, sometimes they specify which writing style (APA, MLA, AP, Chicago), and sometimes they can be either very specific about what should be included or terribly vague.
Different Types of Writing Prompts Draw Out Information and Perspectives for Different Applications
The kind of writing prompt you receive depends largely on why you’re receiving one in the first place. Let’s take a look at a few different scenarios and the types of prompts you might find in each one.
Literary Analysis Prompts
- Literary analysis is pretty much what it sounds like - analyzing something in literature. You will be assigned a work of literature to read, then you will be instructed to write an essay with your response to the prompt to include your observations, connections, and quotes from the story to support your argument. You’ll see this type of prompt in any prerequisite English class, and if you’re majoring in English or creative writing, you’ll spend so much time responding to literary analysis prompts that you’ll wind up missing them like an old friend when you graduate.
- Literary analysis prompts will usually ask you to discuss theme, character, a particular element of style exhibited by the author, or an element of plot and its impact on the story overall.
You’ve Been Responding to Literary Analysis Prompts Ever Since Book Reports in Your Middle School Language Arts Class
Take this sample prompt for an essay about heroism in S.E. Hinton’s novel The Outsiders:
[For much of the novel, the Greasers are seen as hoodlums by the people in their town. This view changes toward the end of the novel when they are proclaimed heroes after saving the children from the burning church. However, they would not have been at the church at all if they hadn’t killed Bob and run away.
What do you think? Are the Greasers heroes or hoods?]
To respond to this prompt, a writer should choose one side of the argument (heroes or hoods), then include quotes from the story and explain why they prove their point.
Creative Nonfiction Prompts
- While in a creative writing program, you might have the opportunity to write a piece of creative nonfiction. Prompts in this type of setting will ask you to tell a story about something that actually happened – oftentimes something that you experienced firsthand – but with a twist.
You could be asked to write something like this:
Tell the story about something dramatic that recently happened to you, but from the perspective of someone who witnessed it.
Here, the writer is being asked to make themselves somewhat vulnerable by sharing what could be a rather personal story. They are then prompted to get creative with the situation by seeing it through the eyes of a person who may have seen the episode differently. Responding to a creative nonfiction prompt will not require quotes or explanations to prove a point. The prompt is answered by telling a true story in a creative way.
Nonfiction Prompts
- Nonfiction prompts will be found in scenarios where a scientist has conducted research and must write very precisely about the observations, hypothesis, research, and the outcome. In cases such as this, a scientist will be prompted to write based on a study they have conducted because of possible cause and effect. These are the types of prompts you would come across in science-based classes at a college or university.
- In situations where a nonfiction scientific paper is being written, strict APA style guidelines should be followed.
- Journalism is another form of nonfiction in which a prompt is often based on a journalist's assigned beat. Prompts will come from news and events that are best suited to their publication.
Would You Rather . . .
Let’s talk hypothetical chaos for a sec. Would you rather sneeze cheese puffs for the rest of your life or laugh uncontrollably during inappropriate situations? Would you rather have infinite access to money but can’t have any friends or family, or would you rather have no money at all but lots of friends and family?
These prompts are most likely not something you’d find as a writing assignment in a college or university creative writing program, but they are definitely a clever tool to get you to think beyond the typical writing styles, which can start to feel a little stale after a while.
Other times, you might find that a deeper approach to an either/or scenario is the perfect writing prompt for your creative mind. Would you rather time travel to the past to meet your great-great-great grandparents or time travel to the future to meet your great-great-great grandchildren? … Would you rather be known for being someone who stopped a war or started one? … Would you rather know what everyone thought about you or not care what anyone thought about you at all?
You might have a knee-jerk reaction to each of these prompts, knowing what your initial answer might be. But when you step back to consider the pros and cons of each side, there are strong reasons to choose either one. Each of these “would you rather” writing prompts sparks debate, eliciting careful reflection and explanation. The creativity and impact for something that seems so simple on the surface has the power to inspire a complex thought process, and therefore, meaningful writing.
How to Start a Writing Prompt
Let’s say it’s the first day of class. You keep telling yourself, “I’m not nervous, just really excited.” The ice breaker games have been played, the introductions have been made. Your instructor is about to wrap things up, but not before handing out the first writing assignment of the term. You look at the prompt. Your palms start to sweat as you realize two things: (1) You sort of understand the assignment, and (2) you’re too embarrassed to ask for clarification.
If you learn only two things from this section, let it be that smart people ask questions (that’s how they got so smart. And you’re smart, so go ask for help), and that the best way to start responding to a writing prompt is to first understand how the prompt is put together.
A writing prompt usually has two main parts.
When reading a prompt, look for:
- The writing situation: In a writing situation, the prompt will present the general topic students are being asked to write about.
- Directions: Look for expectations of the task you are being asked to meet. This might include what type of essay you’re supposed to write (expository, narrative, persuasive, etc.), format, evidence from the text, length/word count, etc. Elements to include in the essay will vary depending on the instructor and course, but they will be included in the prompt regardless of subject.
You’ve identified the writing situation and directions. So now what? It’s sometimes (most times) helpful to make a little list of the prompt’s basic directions. Jot them down as bullet points on a sticky note and keep it on your computer monitor while doing your research and organizing your evidence or notes. Like this:
- Literary analysis essay
- Theme in Little Women
- MLA format
- Five pages
Figuring out the prompt can sometimes be half the battle. Once you understand what’s being asked of you, you’re bound to have some sort of answer to use as a jumping off point. Take your time deciding the best argument for your paper by choosing an answer you not only care about the most, but also the one that has an abundance of evidence to support your claim.
Prompts in writing are meant to evoke a response from the writer that is passionate and believable. The writing process doesn’t always feel like a party but knowing how to read a writing prompt definitely makes it more enjoyable.